100K on Knocknarea for IMNDA raises over €53K!!

14 May 2024
On behalf of the IMNDA, a massive, massive thanks to Carmel & Joe Mahon who organised the 100K on Knocknarea along with an army of supporters in March this year and raised the fantastic sum of €53,563!! The cheque was presented to MND Nurse Fidelma Rutledge at the Sligo Park Hotel. 

A few words from the man himself, Joe Mahon.

"Now that the 'dust has settled' on our 100k on Knocknarea for IMNDA fundraising event, we would like to say a huge THANK YOU to each and every person who donated. The fundraiser was never about myself or Carmel, however we acknowledge that when you start something like this you effectively become the fulcrum for it as you draw on family, friends, neighbours, former colleagues etc.
Our objective with the fundraiser was twofold, to raise much needed funding for IMNDA and to raise awareness of Motor Neurone Disease and its impact on those that live with the disease and their families.
To say that these two objectives were clearly met is somewhat of an understatement. As I write the total sum raised is almost €53,000 - Objective Number 1, and this has been achieved from almost 750 donations - Objective No 2.

Thank You to our "kids", Laura, Mark and Conor and their partners, and of course our 3 precious grandchildren, Rory, Luke and Jack, to their employers, and to their wide circle of friends. Thank You to the Mahon and Quinn families, and their extended families, neighbours and friends. Thank You to our neighbours, friends and to their friends. To our former colleagues in AIB Bank and Medical Laboratory Sciences, who organised fundraising events, our friends and colleagues in various clubs and organisations we are involved with, again a sincere Thank You. To those who have donated who we might not even know, but who have done so in support of a great cause, Thank You also. Thank You also to everyone who spread the word and shared the link.

The walking itself was made so much easier by the numbers who joined us on the various days. We started with lingering snow on the mountain top, we were nearly blown away a few times, we definitely got well and truly wet on more than one occasion, but I don't think I heard as much as one complaint and everyone walked in the spirit of supporting the cause. I estimate that by the time we finished there were in excess of 600 walks completed over the 16 days. To the small number of hardy supporters that accompanied us on multiple days, a sincere Thank You for the fun and craic and the chats that made the walking so enjoyable.

We are truly humbled by the phenomenal support we received and really cannot Thank everyone enough."

Joe & Carmel Mahon