Aidan White’s Charity Concert in Ennis

29 May 2023

Aidan White organised a charity concert at Hotel Woodstock in Ennis, Co Clare in April with the IMNDA, Guide Dogs For The Blind and the Irish Wheelchair Association being the beneficiaries of funds raised from the event. We want to express our sincere thanks to Aidan for his continued support and thank him most sincerely for the €1,749 presented to the IMNDA.

Left to right. Elsie Clinton (Guide Dogs for the Blind), Noreen Fitzpatrick (Irish Wheelchair Association), Noel Murphy(Concert Director /Compere), Mary Kelly(Guide Dogs for the Blind), Cara Gibbons and her Guide Dog “Lady”, Tom Mernagh (Chairman Guide Dogs for the Blind), Ann Healy( Puppy Raiser Dublin), Aidan White(Concert Producer), Claire Varden (Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association), Sean Lally (Owner /Director of Hotel Woodstock, Concert Venue).