Ciaran Kelly’s fantastic poem on his Camino fundraiser

31 May 2023

As a small charity, we are blessed to have such wonderful support and incredible fundraisers that do the impossible to raise money for the IMNDA. One of those super fundraisers was Ciaran Kelly. He and his son took on the Camino – but the journey was not at all what the dynamic duo expected it to be. Incredible courage was called upon to complete the Camino. Blood, sweat and tears was encountered on their way and all for charity.

We cannot say thank you enough to Ciaran and to all our supporters – for the rounds they go to fundraise for us. Well done Ciaran – thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Ciaran composed a poem of their journey and it is our honour to share it with you all.


Last year while sitting having coffee with my son,

I was talking about goals that I haven’t done,

One was the Camino it was on my bucket list,

But the one that I chose it came with a twist…..


I wanted to cycle I thought it would be a breeze,

160 miles I would do that at ease,

My son said there and then Dad I’ll do it with you,

One of my dreams had finally come true……


To spend eight days with my son I could not believe,

He gave up precious time for a goal I’d achieve,

We took on the challenge with 3 charities in mind,

Thanking everyone’s donations the words I can’t find……


Porto to Santiago was the route that we took,

We set off on our journey we did not look at the book,

My son was the navigator we got lost straight away,

We done 8 miles extra on our very first day….


After day one I just wanted to quit,

Was it what I expected not one little bit,

Cobblestones and hills in sweltering heat,

When the first leg was finished I was out on my feet…..


Yellow green and purple were the colors we wore,

I nearly chucked in the towel as my arse was so sore,

But for my son he kept me going every day,

He’s a true inspiration and that I can say…..


He never gave up on me he was always around,

But when I fell on my head he was nowhere to be found,

When I finally caught up I was pushing my bike,

That mountain I climbed I did not like…..


I laughed and I cried I ached from head to toe,

My son then reminded me there was not far to go,

Every day was a challenge not one like the other,

Every night lying in bed my body did shudder…..


Emotions and feelings ran high all the way,

With my son by my side I got through every day,

Crossing the bridge from Portugal ?? to Spain ??,

I knew all my efforts they were not in vain….


Santiago de compostela when we reached on the day,

Was very emotional is all I can say,

The pain and the suffering I did endure,

It was all worthwhile and that is for sure….


When I think of the charities and loved ones we’ve lost,

It touches my heart at no extra cost,

I experienced a lot bonding with my son,

A journey that I’ll cherish now that it’s finally done….
