National Grief Awareness Week 22– 28 January

16 Jan 2024

National Grief Awareness Week runs from the 22nd - 25th January. This campaign is run by the Irish Hospice Foundation and this is its fourth year.

Originally hosted in November to coincide with the Good Grief Trust (UK) national campaign, it was decided to be held in January this year — a time which can be difficult for many people, particularly those who are grieving. 

Through National Grief Awareness Week, it is hoped to encourage people to become more grief aware, help normalise grief and encourage conversations about this typically uncomfortable subject.

Last year, the IMNDA and MND Scotland composed a survey for bereaved caregivers to find out how they could be supported better and found that an incredible 74% did not receive bereavement support since their loved one’s death.

We want to let bereaved family members know that there is support out there, including funding towards counselling services offered by the IMNDA here.

The Irish Hospice Foundation is also holding two free online events which we encourage you to share with anyone who might benefit from this support:

  • 12:30pm, January 25th- Bereavement Networks Lunch & Learn: Grief in the Workplace (An Overview)  register here
  • 7:00 pm, January 25th– Living with Loss, register here