Palliative Care Week 10-16 September 2023

08 Aug 2023

People in communities across the island of Ireland are encouraged to have conversations about palliative care, ahead of Palliative Care Week 2023, taking place 10-16 September.

"Most of us have known someone throughout our lives who has availed of palliative care. These shared experiences are the reason why this year we want to connect with as many people as possible to help them to be better informed about all aspects of palliative care," Karen Charnley, Director @AIIHPC.

MND Nurse, Fidelma Rutledge & Maebh O'Herlihy who is living with MND took part in a programme on RTE's Drive Time to talk about the benefits of palliative care. To listen back to this, please click here.

More information about Palliative Care can be found here.

Palliative Care Week Events
