Julie Egan

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Scoil Barra - Walk & Drink Tea for MND!

Please help us to reach our fundraising target in support of people living with Motor Neurone Disease.

By donating to ‘Scoil Barra - Walk & Drink Tea for MND!’ page – not only are you helping to fund our nursing service, extra home care hours and critical equipment that's needed to keep people at home - you are also sending a powerful message of hope to every family affected by MND.

The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA) is the only organisation in this country supporting these families and it’s a charity that’s very close to our hearts.

Please support our fundraising efforts. 

Thanks Julie & Maria x


My Achievements

Added Profile Pic

Shared Page

Self Donated

Reached 50% of Target

Reached Fundraising Target

My Updates

Losing a tough fight!

Wednesday 21st Feb
My amazing brother Thomas lost his battle with MND in December 2019.  The time from diagnosis was tough for everyone, but especially for Thomas, his wife & young kids.  IMNDA were so good to him & we will be forever grateful for their support. 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Amy Byrne

Well done Julie and team. We are very proud of you.



I'm so sorry this is so late coming in. Congratulations on a fantastic fundraising event. You are fantastic people for carrying out all this great work!!!!!


Scoil Barra Staff Donation


Tom, Caoimhín, Aaron & Zach

Well done Julie & Maria, a very worthy cause.




Elaine Forde


Ciara Fehily


Emma Horgan



Our friend Paul passed away from MND over ten years ago now, like Julie’s brother leaving a young family and wife behind. This is a great cause, research is so important so we’re glad to be able to join in.


Julie Egan