Lorna O'Donoghue

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Walk While You Can for IMNDA this October!

Every day the most remarkable people face the toughest of battles and that’s why I’m walking while I can this October in support of people living with Motor Neurone Disease. Please help me reach my fundraising target or join me by walking 5km.

This October, it’s up to all of us to ensure that Walk While You Can continues to raise urgently needed funds for people living with MND. So not only are you helping to fund our nursing service, extra home care hours and critical equipment that's needed to keep people at home - you are also sending a powerful message of hope to every family affected by MND.

There are more than 450 people affected by this cruel and debilitating disease all across Ireland. The Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (IMNDA) is the only organisation in this country supporting these families and it’s a charity that’s very close to my heart.

Because of Fr Tony Coote's gargantuan fundraising efforts in 2019, the IMNDA were able to hire a 4th nurse, because of continued fundraising that vital service has now grown to 6 nurses!

Our community walk will keep the MND nurses in the communities where they are needed most.

Please support my fundraising efforts and help me ensure that every person living with MND receives the dedicated care and support they need.

Hope starts with one step, change happens with many.

Walk While You Can, where you can, with who you can.

#wwyc #walkfortony #walkwhileyoucan

My Achievements

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Self Donated

Reached 50% of Target

Reached Fundraising Target