A Small Gift can make a Big Difference
Leave a legacy and make life more manageable for someone with motor neurone disease.
You don’t need to be wealthy to give a significant gift to people affected by MND and you can make a substantial contribution that costs nothing during your lifetime.
A legacy left to a charity is exempt from tax. By leaving a legacy to the IMNDA you are reducing the overall tax bill on your estate and getting more value from your gift.
Some people leave their entire estates, but most leave a modest sum. Once you have made provisions for your nearest and dearest you might choose to leave the remainder, or part of the remainder of your estate to one or more preferred charities.
However, much you choose to leave is up to you but please be assured that every legacy counts, no matter how large or small.

Types of Legacies
Having a Will ensures that what you own goes directly to the people and causes you care most about. If you are considering remembering the IMNDA in your Will, we are honoured and want to say a heartfelt thank you.
The first step is to speak to your solicitor to make sure that your wishes can be carried out in the way you would like.
Pecuniary Gift
A pecuniary gift in a Will is a gift of a specific sum. Remember, any amount, whatever you can afford after family and friends are taken care of, is greatly appreciated.
‘I give the sum of €__ to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (R.C.N 20021009) and I direct that the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of said Organisation shall be proper and sufficient discharge for the same‘
Residuary Gift
A residuary gift in a Will is a gift of part of an estate. This is a share of your estate that hasn’t been promised to family or friends. These kind of gifts are enormously valuable in supporting our work.
‘I give to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (R.C.N 20021009) a fraction (insert fraction) of the residue of my estate, and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be a full and sufficient discharge of the same‘
Specific Item
This is where you generously select a specific item of value like stocks, shares, jewelry, property, the proceeds of a life assurance policy or other valuable items.
‘I bequeath (the item specified) to the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association (R.C.N 20021009) and I direct the Treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Organisation shall be proper and sufficient discharge for the same‘
Codicil to a Will
A codicil to a Will is an addition to a will. If you have already written a will but decide you would like to leave a gift for the IMNDA in your will you can ask a solicitor to add a codicil, or an addition to your original will. A codicil is simple to add and is signed in the same way as your original will, with a witness present and will be added to a permanent part of the will.

Why should I make a will?
Making a Wll is the only way for you to limit inheritance taxes, say how you want your assets and belongings distributed after you pass, and outline any legacy you want to leave behind. Without a Will to give your final instructions, those decisions will be made for you by others. Getting started is as easy as a phone call: Will-making is a basic service almost every solicitor provides.
Inheritance tax rates have jumped from 20 to 33%. Because of these significant changes even modest estates will suffer the taxman’s share, shrinking your estate and creating needless tax bills, especially for children. A proper Will helps protect you from this.
Care until a cure - why leave a gift to the IMNDA?
Until our vision of A World Free from Motor Neurone Disease is realised, the IMNDA is committed to providing the best possible care and support for people affected by MND.
Leaving a gift in your will (a ‘legacy’) to the IMNDA offers much needed financial security on a long-term basis and will ensure families affected by this incurable disease have access to our vital services regardless of their location or means for as long as is required. Over 80% of our income comes from people like you.
After providing for family and friends, leaving a legacy to the IMNDA in your will is a thoughtful way of ensuring that families coming to terms with this life changing diagnosis have as much support as possible.

You don’t have to tell us that you have decided to leave a gift in your Will but we would love you to. Informing us lets you direct your legacy to a part of our work that is closest to your heart, which may add meaning for you. It also lets us thank you, in your lifetime…
To get in touch contact Gemma on gwatts@imnda.ie or call 01 670 5942.

For some people getting out to a solicitors office just isn’t an option but please don’t let that stop you from making your Will if it’s something you feel you should do. www.lawonline.ie was set up to enable people to draft their own legal documents online. By using this website you can draft a wide range of legal documents, including making or amending your Will. without leaving your home.