Psychosocial Care for People with MND
Psychosocial care is care that is concerned with the psychological and emotional well-being of the person with MND. Everyone associated with the care of people with MND can offer psychosocial care. This resource explores the psychosocial challenges and approaches that can be used to address them.
This online course has been developed by healthcare professionals in MND Centre Beaumont Hospital, Our Lady’s Hospice Care and Services and Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association. The Irish Hospice Foundation financed the development of this resource and All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care supported the development.
To access this course please click on the following link to the AIIHPC learning platform.
Every two days someone on the island of Ireland is diagnosed with motor neurone disease MND which is a neurodegenerative condition in which the nerves that control voluntary muscles stop working.
This means that messages gradually stop reaching the muscles, which leads to weakness and wasting that affects the ordinary everyday activities that we take for granted.
This is why Living with Motor Neurone Disease: A complete guide is designed to help anyone diagnosed with the disease, their family and friends to navigate their way through the progressive complexities that living with MND poses for everyone. It is also a must-read book for all health care professionals.
While MND is a rare disease it is a devastating diagnosis so good quality information from people who understand MND is vital. It takes time to learn about MND, to absorb the implications of it; to talk about it; to let family adjust to it; to help friends understand it and to learn to live a life that is altered in which the future is changed and the present is challenging.

Living with Motor Neurone Disease: A complete guide is a practical and reassuring book at this time. Written in collaboration with The Irish Motor Neurone Association, by many of the most distinguished Irish experts on MND it is a book that shows the extraordinary power of multidisciplinary professionals working together to support people diagnosed with MND and their carers. It is a guide on how to live ‘with’ MND with the highest quality of life that is possible for as long as possible.
Living with Motor Neurone Disease is a step-by-step guide. It explains what MND is, how it is diagnosed and managed; how it affects the individual and the family; the psychological dimensions of the condition; the caregiver experience; living with the condition and facing the future too.
It shows how to talk to children and adolescents, how to tell family and friends, how to adapt working conditions and home life. It describes all the supports; medical, psychological, mechanical, technological and practical to cope with the daily impact of living with MND particularly the crucial supports provided and coordinated by the Irish Motor Neurone Association of Ireland IMNDA.
With chapters by acclaimed authorities on MND such as Professor Orla Hardiman; Professor Peter Bede, with Dr Stacey Li Hi Shing and Dr Jasmin Lope on diagnosis and management; clinical nurse specialist Bernie Corr on the profound impact of the diagnosis, and neuropsychologists Dr Niall Pender and Dr Marta Pinto-Grau on cognitive changes, the book also has advice on accessing services, on family dynamics, on the role of carer, on legal matters and most poignantly a chapter by the late Andy Minogue whose life may have ended but whose legacy on how to cope with MND lives on.
Living with Motor Neurone Disease: A complete guide is edited by Dr Marie Murray, and published by Cork University Press as part of its MindYourSelf series
All royalties are dedicated to the IMNDA
Copies of the book are available by contacting