The Story of the iPad and Predictable App - a small device that brings big benefits

Everyday Communication

Communication is how we relate to other people. It is impossible to overestimate the freedom that the iPad brings. The ripple effects are also considerable.  Users and carers describe the many ways that the iPad helps them and those with whom they come in contact.


The Predictable app is used to personalise their communication in any number of ways. Users appreciate two specific features:


The iPad packs a lot of features that can be used for a host of other activities, such as reading, learning and playing. Cathy explains, “I use the iPad intensively – for shopping online, for reading, keeping up-to-date with current affairs. For example, I am doing this with Notepad.” Emily notes, “This is a smartbox that becomes your voice, email account, mobile, everything. You talk to it. It talks back.”


All users and carers express their gratitude to the IMNDA for its help and practical support. Emily explains, “I do not know what would have become of us without the IMNDA. It became part of the family. They are so efficient. I could send an email one day, receive a reply that afternoon and the piece of equipment would arrive on the following day.”

Buying iPads

Each year the association buys approximately 25-30 iPads for distribution. Tracy notes, “The cost is relatively low compared to the benefits which are high.” IMNDA currently spends from €20,000 to €30,000 on these devices. Every cent of which comes from donations and fundraising.