Fundraise Your Way

Do Your Own Thing

The services provided by the Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association are absolutely vital to families in Ireland whose lives have been affected by Motor Neurone Disease. We are a small organisation that depends heavily on fundraising and donations which make up 85% of our income so we are grateful for any fundraising you can do.

We are always looking for new donors, fundraising initiatives and supporters who want to ‘Get Involved with the Association’ and help in any way, big or small!

Get Active for your Association / Organise an Event

You can be sponsored for practically everything, whatever your age or level of fitness there is a fundraising event for you! You could:

  • Walk, Run, Swim, Cycle or even try something more daring like Skydiving
  • Simply find an event near you that you’d like to do, enter, and then let us know so we can support you with a sponsorship pack

Holding your own event is a great way to get everyone together, have some fun and raise some money. You could organise:

  • A Pub Quiz, Bingo or Bridge Night or Talent Contest or even a Lip Sync competition
  • Or why not try a Golf Day, Cake Sale, Coffee Morning or Bag Pack?
  • If you’re feeling really ambitious, aim high and hold a fundraising Auction, Soccer Match, Concert or even a Ball
  • Ask your family and friends to get involved and use their skills and network of contacts to help you plan and raise awareness of your activity
NB - There are certain types of fundraising events the IMNDA will not align itself to for ethical reasons. Please kindly email for further info.

Registering your fundraising event

IMNDA is regulated by the Charities Regulator, therefore we must ensure that all our ‘Third Party Fundraisers’ agree to be bound by the rules laid out by this governing body. It is vital that we know about your event! For more information visit our Compliance Statement.

Prior agreement MUST be obtained from the IMNDA before any individual, group or organisation undertakes any fundraising activity, i.e. please register your event here or contact the IMNDA office on 01 670 5942 or complete this form alternatively email

We need to know that people are collecting money in our name for a number of reasons. Unfortunately there are people out there collecting under false pretences so if we are aware of all fundraising carried out by our true and honest supporters we can protect us and you.

We do ask that in line with the Charities Regulator Guidelines, all our community fundraisers read and sign the IMNDA Fundraising Agreement. If it is the first time you have fundraised for us we will need a photo or copy of Photo ID and a proof of address.

As Event Organiser please register your event below which requests some basic information on you and your event.

On completion of the Register Your Event form we will email you the Fundraising Agreement to complete and sign.

Thank you so much for your support and co-operation.

How we can support you in your Fundraising

Please contact the IMNDA for any help and advice or to discuss any ideas you may have.

We can provide you with the following promotional material for your event as required:

  • T-shirts
  • Posters
  • Balloons (to be used indoors only)
  • Sponsorship cards
  • Collection Buckets
  • Lodgement slip for proceeds raised
  • The IMNDA logo (via e-mail)

The IMNDA can provide a letter on headed paper confirming that you are indeed collecting money and/or raffle prizes for us and we can also help you with permits if you are collecting money in a public place. The regulations are getting stricter now for charities regarding fundraising so we would really appreciate your assistance with this.

NB: Where all of the proceeds of a fundraiser are not coming to the IMNDA (e.g the funds are been split between the IMNDA and the local Hospice) this MUST be made clear when registering and advertising the event. It is essential to provide complete transparency when fundraising and let your supporters know where the money they donate is going.

Use of the IMNDA’s Name & Logo

Please consult with the IMNDA for any printed material, advertisements, media materials and press releases associated with the event. We will happily provide you with a high resolution version of our logo so you don’t have to copy it from other sources.

Carrying out a collection? Check out our important checklist…

  1. Firstly, please contact us to let us know what you are planning within plenty of time of your proposed collection date.
  2. You will then need to get permission from your wherever you plan on holding your collection; the local shopping centre, supermarket or church.
  3. You need a permit from your local Garda Station if you are collecting in a public place e.g. the street, church gates or a shopping centre. The IMNDA can also apply for the permit on your behalf if you prefer. Just email or call 01 670 5942.
  1. We will send out secure tamper proof collection buckets with IMNDA stickers along with the following items, which all collectors will need, at all times during the collection:
    1. Written Authorisation
    2. A copy of the collection permit (when a permit is required)
    3. An IMNDA Hi-Visibility vest which clearly states our charity number
    4. An ID badge stating collectors name
  2. All collectors must be a minimum of 14 years old and we recommend collecting in pairs for safety reasons.
  1. Please ensure that the collection box is never too full and that it is emptied regularly with a designated person/s responsible for the money.
  2. Please ensure when counting the funds raised from the event that you do so in the presence of another person to avoid discrepancies.
  3. Please keep the funds in a secure environment until it is possible to bank the money.

Thank you for your co-operation and support.

Get Social

Please remember to share your fundraising activity via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram to help spread the news and encourage support and donations. Always tag us so we can share through our own social networking channels to help spread the word.

You can also share your online fundraising page on your social media pages and ask your friends and family to do the same; the more awareness the better!

Forwarding the proceeds to IMNDA

Thank you for all your hard work and efforts. To comply with auditing requirements and to safeguard the integrity of the organiser, it is required that at least two people are involved in the counting and remitting of the proceeds from the event.

All net proceeds must be submitted to the IMNDA within 30 days of the conclusion of the event. This requirement is also necessary to comply with collections held under An Garda Siochana permits.

  • When you have collected money the most efficient way to get it to us is to lodge it into any AIB bank in Ireland
  • We will always send you a lodgement slip with your fundraising pack for ease with your event and your contact details written on
  • If you lose your slip you can contact us for another or go along to your local AIB and fill out one of their lodgement slips with the following information:

Sort Code: 93-13-14 and Account No: 07725002. In the reference please write in the name of the fundraiser; e.g. ‘Flora Mini Marathon’, ‘Birthday Party’, ‘Donation’ or ‘Sky dive’ etc and remember your name and address on the back of the slip. Please include all your details on the lodgement slip – this is so important!

  • You can also lodge the funds into your local post office, please ring or email us to let us know the date you lodged and the amount or forward the receipt to us otherwise we won’t know where it has come from.
  • Lastly you can forward monies directly to our office as a postal order, draft or cheque made payable to ‘IMNDA’ and sent to IMNDA, Unit 3, Ground Floor, Marshalsea Court, 22/23 Merchant’s Quay, Dublin 8. Please do not send cash in the post.

Sending Photos and Feedback

We’d love to see photos of your event or hear about any media coverage that you may have received – if you like we can post a photo up after your event on the News section of our website.

Please email photos/articles to:

Cheque Presentations

We would love to thank all our wonderful fundraisers and supporters in person but unfortunately it isn't always possible.

We are a small team and can't always attend events and cheque presentations but that doesn't mean we don't hugely appreciate your mammoth efforts!

We often call upon one of our committed Community Volunteers across Ireland to represent the IMNDA depending on the area and their availability.

If you would like to undertake your own cheque presentation we'd be delighted to send you one of our IMNDA branded presentation cheques then post the photo up on our website to make it official.

Public Liability Insurance

We highly recommend all fundraisers take out their own Public Liability Insurance particularly for larger scale events or those which involve "riskier" activities!

Non-produced or third party events (where volunteers like you arrange the event) are deemed "uninsurable" for a charity to cover as the charity is not in control of the event and therefore cannot protect the event from negligence.

Some insurance companies like BHP offer one off event policies for a small fee

If you are organising a sporting event such as a cycle, run etc you can try and link up with a cycling club, your local sports partnerships ( or athletics club as that way you will be covered under their public liability insurance.