Tips and Tools

6-Point Checklist for a Great Event

Date & Location

Pick a date & time (on or around 21st October) that best suits you and your walkers. Decide where to walk while you can! Map out your route in your locale, we recommend popular established walking routes that are safe! Don't forget to include your county when you are registering your walk especially if you would like people to join you. Lets see which county raises the most!

5k your way

The recommended distance is 5k but you can tailor your walk to be shorter or longer depending on the route you’d like to complete. You might even like to add an extra challenge and walk 5k a day! You can also track your 5km on your fundraising page and keep your supporters updated.


Spread the word among your own family, friends and colleagues and get them to recruit walkers also. Get the word out in person, through phone, email, message and social media. Once you’ve recruited walkers, it’s simple to stay in touch with updates reminders.

Online Page

You can set up an online fundraising page for your walk right here. It’s easy to share this page with friends and family by email, WhatsApp or social media. You can even create a team and invite people to join.

There might be people who can’t attend the walk but would love to contribute in some way.


The more you share your page, the more donations you receive! Spread the love and share across all your social media channels. Don't forget to share your event with us too if you would like it to be promoted on our website and social media also. We would also love to see any photos and videos from your event!


As well as online fundraising we can also send you sponsorship envelopes. Just email and let us know how many you need. Click Here to read more on lodging your offline funds. We can also provide collection buckets with a Tap To Donate facility so no excuses for people not to give!!